NOTICE: Prices are not accurate due to website maintenance. Please call for correct prices.


These kits contain common rocks and minerals.

RK 10 — 9.00 ea.

MK 10 — 9.00 ea.




RK 11 — 17.50 ea.

MK 11 — 17.50 ea.




16 specimen box size 41/2 x 41/2 inches. Includes partition with 16 spaces.

30 specimen box size 51/2 x 6 inches. Includes partition with 30 spaces.

Specimens are numbered and average 3/4 to 1 inch in size.

16 specimen rock kit includes study guide, key, steel nail and 5 power magnifier. Wt. 1/2 pound.........................................................................................RK-10......9.00 each

30 specimen rock kit includes study guide, key, steel nail and 5 power magnifier. Wt. 1 pound........................................................................................RK-11.....17.50 each

16 specimen mineral kit includes study guide, mineral identification key, steel nail, streak plate, 5 power magnifier. Wt. 1/2 pound.................................................MK-10......9.00 each

30 specimen mineral kit includes study guide, mineral identification key, steel nail, streak plate, 5 power magnifier. Wt. 1 pound...................................................MK-11.....17.50 each


Our standard mineral, rock, and combination kits are quality built using the best specimens available for the price. A heavy quality cardboard box with heavy cardboard partitions and a pleasing exterior color is used. Soft or fragile specimens are separately wrapped for shipping protection. A cover sheet and identification key is provided and all specimens are numbered unless specified otherwise.

Two sizes of kits are available; a 1"x1" and a 2"x2" specimen size. Some specimens may be smaller (crystals, cleavage fragments, etc.).




1. graphite         9. azurite

2. galena         10. selenite

3. pyrite          11. quartz — massive

4. magnetite    12. potassium feldspar

5. hematite      13. talc

6. halite           14. muscovite

7. fluorite         15. augite

8. calcite          16. hornblende


1. granite               9. conglomerate

2. rhyolite            10. limestone

3. diorite              11. coal

4. basalt               12. slate

5. obsidian           13. schist

6. pumice            14. gneiss

7. shale                15. quartzite

8. sandstone        16. marble


        1. graphite                      9. granite

        2. pyrite                        10. basalt

        3. magnetite                  11. sandstone

        4. hematite                  12. conglomerate

        5. muscovite                 13. limestone

        6. potassium feldspar    14. schist

       7. calcite                        15. gneiss

       8. quartz crystal              16. slate


MK—1      16 Specimen Standard Mineral Kit 1"x1" ............................13.50 each

MK—2      16 Specimen Standard Mineral Kit 2"x2" ............................21.50 each

RK—1       16 Specimen Standard Rock Kit 1"x1".................................. 12.50 each

RK—2       16 Specimen Standard Rock Kit 2"x2" ................................21.00 each

CK—1       16 Specimen Standard Combination Kit 1"x1" .....................12.50 each

CK—2       16 Specimen Standard Combination Kit 2"x2" .....................21.50 each


1. graphite         11. halite                            21. plagioclase

2. galena           12. fluorite                          22. kaolinite

3. sphalerite       13. calcite                           23. antigorite

4. chalcopyrite   14. dolomite                       24. talc

5. pyrite             15. azurite                          25. muscovite

6. magnetite       16. barite                            26. biotite

7. corundum      17. selenite                          27. hornblende

8. hematite         18. quartz-massive              28. augite

9. limonite          19. quartz crystal                 29. olivine

10. bauxite         20. potassium feldspar         30. garnet


1. granite                       16. limestone, fossiliferous

2. rhyolite                      17. chert

3. granodiorite               18. claystone

4. diorite                        19. coal

5. andesite                     20. silicified wood

6. gabbro                       21. slate

7. pegmatite                   22. phyllite

8. basalt                         23. mica schist

9. obsidian                     24. garnet schist

10. pumice                     25. gneiss

11. shale                        26. amphibolite

12. sandstone                27. quartzite

13. conglomerate           28. marble

14. breccia                     29. skarn

15. limestone                  30. hornfels


        1. graphite                              16. granite

        2. galena                                17. rhyolite

        3. pyrite                                 18. basalt

        4. magnetite                           19. pumice

        5. hematite                             20. obsidian

        6. limonite                              21. serpentinite

        7. halite                                  22. shale

        8. fluorite                                23. sandstone

        9. calcite                                 24. conglomerate

      10. azurite                                 25. limestone

      11. selenite                                26. coal

      12. quartz                                 27. slate

      13. potassium feldspar              28. schist

      14. talc                                     29. gneiss

      15. muscovite                           30. marble


MK - 3       30 Specimen Standard Mineral Kit 1"x1" .................................24.00 each

MK - 4       30 Specimen Standard Mineral Kit 2"x2"..................................43.00 each

RK - 3       30 Specimen Standard Rock Kit 1"x1" .....................................23.00 each

RK - 4       30 Specimen Standard Rock Kit 2"x2"..................................... 40.00 each

CK - 3       30 Specimen Standard Combination Kit 1"x1" ..........................23.50 each

CK - 4       30 Specimen Standard Combination Kit 2"x2".......................... 41.50 each


                     1. native copper                28. azurite

                     2. graphite                         29. barite

                     3. chalcocite                      30. alabaster

                     4. bornite                           31. selenite

                     5. galena                            32. apatite

                     6. sphalerite                       33. quartz—massive

                     7. chalcopyrite                    34. quartz—crystal

                     8. marcasite                        35. quartz—smoky

                      9. stibnite                           36. chalcedony

                    10. pyrite—massive             37. potassium feldspar

                    11. pyrite—crystalline          38. plagioclase feldspar

                    12. arsenopyrite                   39. zeolite

                    13. molybdenite                   40. kaolinite

                    14. magnetite                       41. antigorite

                    15. chromite                        42. chrysotile

                    16. corundum                      43. talc

                    17. hematite—massive         44. muscovite

                    18. hematite—specular        45. biotite

                    19. pyrolusite                       46. tremolite—actinolite

                    20. limonite                          47. hornblende

                    21. bauxite                           48. augite

                    22. halite                              49. wollastonite

                    23. fluorite—cleavable         50. tourmaline

                    24. calcite—massive            51. epidote

                    25. calcite—cleavable          52. olivine

                    26. dolomite                         53. kyanite

                    27. malachite                        54. garnet


                     1. graphite                            28. granite—fine gr.

                     2. galena                               29. granite—coarse gr.

                     3. chalcopyrite                       30. rhyolite

                     4. sphalerite                           31. syenite

                     5. pyrite—massive                 32. granodiorite

                     6. magnetite                           33. diorite

                     7. hematite                             34. andesite

                     8. limonite                              35. gabbro

                     9. bauxite                               36. basalt

                   10. halite                                  37. obsidian

                   11. fluorite                                38. scoria

                   12. calcite                                 39. pumice

                   13. dolomite                              40. shale

                   14. azurite                                  41. sandstone

                   15. barite                                   42. conglomerate

                   16. selenite                                 43. breccia

                   17. quartz—massive                   44. limestone

                   18. quartz crystal                        45. coal

                   19. potassium feldspar                46. travertine

                   20. plagioclase                            47. silicified wood

                   21. antigorite                               48. slate

                  22. talc                                        49. phyllite

                  23. muscovite                              50. mica schist

                  24. biotite                                    51. amphibolite

                  25. olivine                                   52. gneiss

                  26. hornblende                            53. marble

                  27. augite                                    54. hornfels



1. granite—fine gr.         28. quartz sandstone

2. granite—coarse gr.    29. arkose

3. welded tuff                30. greywacke

4. rhyolite                      31. conglomerate

5. rhyolite porphyry       32. breccia

6. syenite                      33. limestone

7. trachyte                    34. limestone, fossil

8. phonolite                  35. chert

9. basalt                       36. diatomite

10. basalt porphyry      37. claystone

11. granodiorite           38. coal, bituminous

12. diorite                   39. coal, anthracite

13. andesite                40. travertine

14. gabbro                  41. silicified wood

15. anorthosite            42. slate

16. diabase                 43. phyllite

17. peridotite              44. eclogite

18. pegmatite              45. chlorite schist

19. aplite                    46. garnet schist

20. obsidian               47. mica schist

21. scoria                  48. amphibolite

22. pumice                49. gneiss

23. serpentinite         50. quartzite

24. shale                   51. marble

25. fossil shale          52. skarn

26. siltstone              53. hornfels

27. sandstone           54. mylonite


MK - 5     54 Specimen Standard Mineral Kit 1"x1" ....................................46.00 each

MK - 6      54 Specimen Standard Mineral Kit 2"x2".....................................84.00 each

RK - 5      54 Specimen Standard Rock Kit 1"x1"......................................... 43.00 each

RK - 6      54 Specimen Standard Rock Kit 2"x2"......................................... 80.00 each

CK - 5      54 Specimen Combination Kit 1"x1"............................................. 43.50 each

CK - 6      54 Specimen Combination Kit 2"x2" .............................................82.00 each



1. native copper          21. hematite, massive

2. sulfur                       22. hematite, specular

3. graphite                   23. psilomelane 

4. chalcocite                24. pyrolusite

5. bornite                     25. limonite

6. galena                      26. goethite

7. sphalerite                 27. bauxite

8. chalcopyrite             28. halite

9. pyrrhotite                 29. fluorite, massive

10. cinnabar                 30. fluorite, cleavable

11. marcasite                31. calcite, massive

12. stibnite                    32. calcite, cleavable

13. pyrite, massive        33. siderite

14. pyrite, crystalline     34. rhodochrosite

15. arsenopyrite            35. dolomite, massive

16. molybdenite            36. dolomite, cleavable

17. cuprite                    37. malachite

18. magnetite                38. azurite

19. chromite                 39. barite

20. corundum               40. gypsum, alabaster

41. gypsum, selenite                   61. muscovite

42. gypsum, satin spar                62. biotite

43. scheelite                               63. tremolite, actinolite

44.apatite                                   64. hornblende

45. quartz, massive                     65. diopside

46. quartz, crystal                       66. augite

47. quartz, amethyst                   67. wollastonite

48. quartz, smoky                      68. rhodonite

49. quartz, rose                          69. beryl

50. chalcedony                           70. tourmaline, schorl

51. opal                                      71. epidote

52. potassium feldspar, microcline  72. olivine

53. amazonite                              73. chrysocolla

54. anorthite                                74. kyanite

55. plagioclase feldspar, albite      75. topaz

56. zeolite                                    76. garnet, massive

57. kaolinite                                 77. garnet, crystal

58. talc

59. chlorite

60. vermiculite



1. antimony

2. gold

3. silver

4. galena, cube

5. sphalerite

6. pyrrhotite

7. covellite

8. digenite


10. stibnite,crystalline

11. pyrite, pyritohedron

12. marcasite,


13. cobaltite

14. tetrahedrite

15. magnetite,lodestone

16. zincite

17. corundum crystal

18. sapphire

19. magnetite-ilmenite

20. pyrolusite


21. spinel

22. rutile

23. brucite

24. psilomelane, romanechite

25. goethite

26. sylvite

27. fluorite, octahedron

28. magnesite

29. smithsonite

30. dolomite

31. aragonite

32. cerussite

33. malachite

34. kernite

35. ulexite

36. barite crystal

37. celestite

38. anhydrite

39. crocoite

40. wulfenite


41. alunite

42. vanadinite

43. amblygonite

44. willemite

45. garnet, spessartine

46. topaz crystal

47. staurolite

48. sphene

49. hemimorphite

50. epidote

51. axinite

52. beryl

53. tourmaline

54. diopside

55. hedenbergite

56. augite crystal

57. spodumene

58. bronzite

59. anthophyllite

60. glaucophane


61. fluorichterite

62. chrysotile

63. phlogopite

64. lepidolite

65. glauconite 

 66. quartz, doubly     terminated crystal

67. cristobalite

68. rose quartz

69. orthoclase crystal

70. tripolite-diatomite

71. amazonite

72. labradorite

73. nepheline

74. sodalite

75. analcime

76. chabazite

77. stilbite



1. native copper

2. sulfur

3. graphite

4. bornite

5. galena

6. sphalerite

7. chalcopyrite

8. marcasite

9. stibnite

10. pyrite

11. molybdenite

12. magnetite

13. chromite

14. corundum

15. hematite

16. limonite

17. bauxite

18. halite

19. fluorite

20. calcite

21. dolomite

22. azurite

23. barite

24. selenite

25. quartz - massive

26. quartz - crystal

27. quartz - smoky

28. potassium feldspar

29. plagioclase feldspar

30. kaolinite

31. talc

32. muscovite

33. biotite

34. hornblende

35. augite

36. tourmaline

37. epidote

38. olivine

39. garnet


40. granite - fine grained

41. granite - coarse grained

42. rhyolite

43. rhyolite porphyry

44. syenite

45. trachyte

46. granodiorite

47. diorite

48. andesite

49. gabbro

50. basalt

51. basalt porphyry

52. diabase

53. peridotite

54. pegmatite.

55. aplite

56. obsidian

57. scoria

58. pumice

59. serpentinite

60. shale

61. sandstone

62. arkose

63. conglomerate

64. breccia

65. limestone

66. coal

67. travertine

68. silicified wood

69. slate

70. phyllite

71. mica schist

72. garnet schist

73. gneiss

74. amphibolite

75. marble

76. skarn

77. hornfels







77 Specimen Standard Mineral Kit

77 Specimen Advanced Mineral Kit

77 Specimen Combination Kit








This set consists of 56 minerals, 34 rocks, and 15 fossils, each about 1"x1" and packaged in two 54-specimen boxes. Included is the first nine minerals of the Mohs Scale of hardness, natural crystals, cleavage and fracture examples, color and luster, ores of common metals, industrial minerals, rock-forming minerals, igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks, and fossils. Provided is a streak plate, glass plate, magnet, magnifier, and acid bottle. Also included is a key, text on physical mineralogy, mineral determinative tables, table of rocks, and geologic time chart.

ES - 1 .................... 125.00


1. talc                               14. amethyst

2. gypsum (selenite)          15. sulfur

3. calcite                           16. gypsum (satin spar)

4. fluorite                          17. limonite

5. apatite                          18. serpentine

6. feldspar                        19. mica

7. quartz                           20. galena

8. topaz                            21. fluorite

9. corundum                     22. obsidian

10. graphite                      23. augite

11. hematite                      24. chromite

12. pyrite                          25. barite

13. chert                           26. magnetite

streak plate, glass plate, acid bottle, magnet, nail


Twenty-six numbered minerals averaging about 1 inch in size. Included are examples of the following physical properties: hardness, streak and color, luster, cleavage and fracture, specific gravity, effervescence, tenacity, sectility, elasticity, flexibility, and magnetism. A streak plate, glass scratch plate, acid bottle, nail, magnet, text, and determinative tables are included. Packaged in a sturdy compartmented cardboard box.

PP - 1 .......................... 25.00



Fifteen specimens, numbered, averaging about 1-1/2" x 1-1/2" in a sturdy compartmented cardboard box with key. Specimens include red coarse-grained granite, pegmatite, diorite, granodiorite, syenite, gabbro, andesite, basalt, rhyolite, quartz latite, dacite, obsidian, volcanic tuff, scoria, and pumice.

IR - 1 ................ 15.50


Fifteen specimens, numbered, averaging 1-1/2" x 1-1/2" in a sturdy compartmented cardboard box with key. Specimens include claystone, shale, siltstone, quartz sandstone, lithic sandstone, conglomerate, limestone, fossiliferous limestone, travertine, rock salt, rock gypsum, bituminous coal, chert-jasper, phosphorite, and glauconitic sandstone.

SR - 1 ................ 15.50


Fifteen metamorphic rocks and minerals, numbered, averaging 1-1/2" x 1-1/2" in a sturdy compartmented cardboard box with key. Specimens include quartzite, marble, amphibolite, gneiss, mica schist, garnet schist, phyllite, slate, serpentinite, graphite, talc, chlorite, biotite, garnet, and kyanite.

MR - 1 ............... 15.50


Fifteen common rocks, numbered, averaging about 1-1/2" x 1-1/2" in a sturdy compartmented cardboard box with key. Specimens include granite, basalt, rhyolite, andesite, pumice, shale, sandstone, conglomerate, fossiliferous limestone, chert, coal, slate, schist, marble, and quartzite.

RC - 1 ................ 14.50


Fifteen natural crystals representing the six crystal systems plus two twin crystals. Specimens include pyrite, magnetite, garnet, zircon, wulfenite, apatite, calcite, quartz, tourmaline, dolomite, barite, selenite, axinite, staurolite, and aragonite.

NC - 1 ................ 35.00

                    MW-1                                                                 MW-2


Fifty or 100 excellent specimens mounted in a classy cardboard box. Minerals represent the common physical properties such as cleavage, crystal system, color, etc. Specimens average 3/4".

MW - 1 ................. 50 specimens    45.00

MW - 2 ............... 100 specimens   75.00




Designed to acquaint the student with mineral identification based on physical properties. Eleven specimens plus text, mineral identification key, special instructions, streak plate, glass plate, acid bottle, magnet, and nail. Packaged in a sturdy compartmented cardboard box. Specimens include talc, graphite, muscovite, calcite, barite, hematite, magnetite, pyrite, massive quartz, quartz crystal, and chert.

MID - 1 ........... 15.75


A zippered plastic pouch containing a plastic 10 power double louped magnifier, acid bottle, magnet, nail, 2"x2" streak plate, 2"x2" glass plate.

MTK - 1 .............. 4.00



Sixteen common ore minerals averaging 1" x 1" representing twelve metals. Packaged in a sturdy compartmented cardboard box with key. Specimens include bauxite, bornite, chalcopyrite, chalcocite, scheelite, magnetite, hematite, specular hematite, galena, pyrolusite, garnierite, sphalerite, chromite, stibnite, molybdenite, and tetrahedrite.

 OCM - 1 ........... 19.50



Sixteen minerals used in industry. Specimens average 1" x 1" and are packaged in a sturdy compartmented cardboard box with key. Specimens include olivine, barite, calcite, fluorite, garnet, graphite, gypsum, kaolinite, kyanite, rock salt, potassium feldspar, quartz, sulfur, talc, vermiculite, and magnesite.

 NMIM - 1 ........... 16.00



Nine Mohs Scale of Hardness minerals, numbered, and in a plastic zip-loc bag with a key. Size averages 1/2" for crystals to one inch for other specimens.

HS - 1 ..................... 7.00

In polystyrene tray with lid, 5X plastic magnifier, streak plate, glass plate and nail.

HS - 3 ..................... 9.50



Six cleavage examples plus four fracture examples, numbered, and in a plastic zip-lock bag with a key. Specimens are 1"x 1". Specimens include mica, hornblende, halite, calcite, fluorite, sphalerite, obsidian, chromite, hematite, and graphite.

 CF - 1 .................... 9.00

In polystyrene tray with lid.

 CF - 2 .................... 10.50


Ten 1" x 1" numbered specimens representing ten common types of luster. Packaged in a plastic zip-lock bag. Specimens include pyrite, sphalerite, quartz, sulfur, talc, albite, limonite, satin spar gypsum, serpentine, and tourmaline.

 LC - 1 ................... 9.00

In polystyrene tray with lid.

 LC - 2 .................... 10.50

Fifteen numbered specimens averaging 1-1/2" x 1-1/2" representing fifteen types of luster, in sturdy compartmented cardboard box with key. Specimens include pyrite, graphite, magnetite, goethite, quartz, calcite, sulfur, albite, talc, limonite, satin spar gypsum, sphalerite, serpentine, chert, and schorl tourmaline.

 LC - 3 .................. 18.50




16 rock specimens about 3/4" in size on a chart with descriptive text explains how the three major rock types form. Also explained is how rocks are made from other rocks and a pronunciation guide to commonly used terms. Chart inside sturdy box with lid.

Size 8 1/2" x 11 1/4".

RCC ............. 14.95



Catalog Number Description Cost

E3 - 22P   Rock Pick-Pointed Tip, Nylon-Vinyl Grip 22 oz. .......................................36.00 

E3 - 12PC   Rock Pick-Chisel Edge, Nylon-Vinyl Grip 12 oz...................................... 33.50 

E3 - 20PC   Rock Pick-Chisel Edge, Nylon-Vinyl Grip 20 oz...................................... 35.00 

#3    Rock Pick Belt Sheath for Pointed Tip Picks. Leather .............................................7.50 

#4    Rock Pick Belt Sheath for Chisel Edge Picks. Leather .............................................7.50

B3 - 2LB    Crack Hammer-Painted Finish, Nylon-Vinyl Grip 2 lbs............................... 35.00

B3 - 3LB    Crack Hammer-Painted Finish, Nylon-Vinyl Grip 3 lbs............................... 36.00

ERC - 12    Rock Chisel-For Pockets, Vinyl Cushion Grip. 1/2" x 12"............................. 10.50

ERC - 9    Rock Chisel-For Wedging & Prying, Vinyl Cushion Grip 5/8" x 9"................ 14.50

ERC - 8    Rock Chisel-For Splitting, Vinyl Cushion Grip, 1 1/4" x 8" ............................14.00

ERC - 7    Rock Chisel-For Splitting, Vinyl Cushion Grip, 2-1/2" x 7" ...........................14.00

#6    Clear Safety Goggles-Soft Vinyl Frame, Replaceable Lens .......................................4.75


HAND LENS:   Plastic. Custom molded folding magnifier. Very good optics for the price.

HL - 1    Single lens loupe, 5 power magnification ................................................1.15 each

HL - 2    Double lens loupe, 10 power magnification ..........................................1.35 each

HAND LENS:   Plastic magnifier, good optics.

HL - 6    Double convex 22mm. lens, 5 power magnification .................................50 each

HL - 7    A 4-1/2 power magnifier with a 1 inch diameter lens and handle ..............45 each

HAND LENS:  Metal. Nickel plated folding case. Doublet lens. (subject to availability)

HL - 4    10 power magnification, 13mm. lens diameter .....................................8.50 each

HL - 5    16 power magnification, 20mm. lens diameter ...................................13.50 each


FERRITE:   Very strong for the price - good field magnet.

MAG - 3    Round, 3/8" diameter, 1/8" thick .................................................... .20 each

MAG - 4    Round, 1/2" diameter, 1/4" thick .................................................... .65 each

MAG - 5    Bar, 1/4" x 7/8" x 3/16" thick.......................................................... .45 each


SP - 2     1"x1" unglazed white porcelain .......................................................... .20 each

SP - 4     2"x2" unglazed white porcelain........................................................... .45 each


GP - 2    2"x2" plate glass with sanded beveled edges....................................... .60 each


AB - 1     1/2 ounce plastic with removable dropper tip plus cap....................... .55 each








Fifteen mineral specimens representing both long wave and short wave fluorescence and phosphorescence. Specimens average 1-1/4" - 1-1/2", numbered with a key and are packaged in a sturdy compartmented cardboard box.

FLK-1............... 20.00 ea.


All mineral, rock, and fossil specimens are visually inspected by professionals for quality.

 Sizes of specimens are very close to size ordered—occasionally we will send material that may

 be slightly smaller than ordered to conserve material but the quality will be as good or better than 

stated. We also may send a size smaller (price adjusted) than ordered if the larger size is not available. 

Because of the continuing loss of localities and shortage of suitable material, some items may be out 

of stock. We try to have all items available but sometimes it is impossible.

Number Mineral           Description   Locality   < 1"   1" 1-1/2" Pound
M-2  actinolite - Green, massive to bladed  Washington  .20  .45  .75  3.00
M-7 amazonite - Green, cleavable, excellent material Colorado  .25 .45  .75  2.75
M-7.1  amazonite - Green, cleavable, excellent material Canada .25 .60 1.25 6.00
M-10.11 analcime - Crystals with other zeolites in basalt Drain, OR 1.00 1.75
M-11 andalusite - Pink masses in rock Nevada .20 .50 1.00
M-12 andalusite - Variety chiastolite.  Single crystals California .30 1.00 2.00
M-16 anhydrite - Massive, grey Nevada .20 .45 .75 2.50
M-18 anthophyllite - Greenish, massive  Montana .20 .45 .75 2.50
M-18.1 antigorite - Serpentine, green, massive with slickensides Oregon .15 .45 .75 2.50
M-19.1 apatite - Massive, blue-green Canada .20 .50 1.00 5.00
M-21 apatite - Massive, dark blue Brazil .15 .50 1.00
M-22 apatite - Small yellow crystals Mexico .75
M-23 apatite - Phosphate, black, oolitic Montana .15 .45 .75 2.50
M-26.1 aragonite - Massive to stalactitic Mexico .25 .65 1.00 5.00
M-27 aragonite - Twinned crystals Spain 1.00 2.25

asbestos - Chrysotile. Fibers.                        

l.00 per bag

M-32 asbestos - Chrysotile. Stringers in serpentine various .25 .50
M-35 augite - Best available Canada .20 .60 1.25 5.00
M-35.1 augite - Small partial crystals           1/4" to 1/2" Oregon .15
M-40 azurite - Coatings and veins in rock MT, AZ .20 .45 .75 3.50
M-41 azurite - Micro-crystals in vugs and veins AZ, Mexico .35 1.00 1.50
M-42 barite - Massive, various colors MT, Idaho .15 .45 .75 2.50
M-45 barite - Single terminated blue crystals Colorado .75 1.25
M-45.1 barite - Small partial blue crystals Colorado .15
M-49 bauxite - Typical, oolitic Arkansas .20 .45 .75 3.00
M-52 beryl - Light green, massive to crystal sections S. Dakota .30 .75 2.00 6.00
M-53 biotite - Cleavage plates, black Canada .15 .25 .50 3.50
M-55 bornite - Almost pure, massive Butte, MT .25 .60 1.25 6.00
M-57 bornite - Mixed with other sulfides Butte, MT .20 .50 1.00 4.50
M-59 brucite - Massive, light green Nevada .15 .45 .75 3.00
M-60 calcite - Massive, cave material Montana .15 .45 .75 2.50
M-61 calcite - Cleavage pieces, translucent to transparent Montana .15 .45 .75 2.50
M-61.2 calcite - Grey, cleavable Arizona .15 .45 .75 3.00
M-62 calcite - Rhombs displaying double refraction Mexico .50 1.00 2.00
M-63 calcite - Massive, phosphorescent Montana .15 .45 .75 2.50
M-65 calcite - Massive, fluoresces red Franklin,NJ .35 .75 1.25 5.00
M-70.1 celestite - Massive to partial crystals Ohio .30 .60 1.50 7.50
M-72 cerussite - Crystalline masses with good crystals           Price per specimen:  2.50,   5.00,   7.50 each Idaho
M-74 cerussite - Massive to crystalline Arizona .35 1.00 2.00
M-75.1 chabazite - Crystals in vugs in basalt Globe, OR .75 1.50 2.25
M-76 chalcocite - Massive, best grade Butte, MT .30 .75 2.00 6.00
M-79 chalcopyrite - Veins in matrix, massive various .20 .50 1.00 5.00
M-82 chlorite - Massive California .15 .45 .75 3.00
M-84 chromite - Massive, pure Phillipines .20 .45 .75 3.50
M-86 chromite - Massive, granular     (Stillwater Complex) Montana .20 .45 .75 2.50
M-87 chrysocolla - Best grade Arizona .20 .50 .75 3.50
M-90.1 cinnabar - Red color in opalite Nevada .15 .45 .75 2.50
M-93 copper - Native, uncleaned  small pieces with some rock Michigan .35 .75
M-94 copper - Native, larger uncleaned pieces with some rock Michigan 1.50 6.00

copper - Native, stamped pieces.  Good color.  

<1/2" .30 each,              1/2" to 3/4"  .50 each


copper - Native, cleaned, bright, small nuggets.  

<1/2"  .25 each,             over 1/2"  .50 each


corundum - Pieces and partial crystals   

<1/2"  .30 each,             1/2"-3/4"  .50 each

MT, Africa
M-96.2 corundum - Lt. grey-blue crystal sections                            1/8"-1/4"  .25 each,       1/4" - 1/2"  .60 each  Africa

corundum - Ruby crystals in gneiss  

Fair quality  2.00 each,  Better quality  4.00 each

M-99.1 corundum - Ruby crystal sections  1/8"-1/4" .50 each India
M-100 corundum - Single small crystals      Africa .75
M-101 corundum - Sapphire.  Several small stones in bag. Montana .50
M-105 cristobalite - Amygdules in snowflake obsidian Utah .15 .45 .75 2.50
M-107 cuprite - Small stringers in rock MT, AZ .25 .50 1.00 5.00

diamond - Natural single cubic crystal.  About 3 mm  

crystal mounted in plastic box.          12.50 each

M-112 diopside - Cleavage pieces Canada .20 .45 .85 3.50
M-113 diopside - Massive with minor pyrrhotite Montana .15 .45 .75 2.50
M-115 dolomite - Cleavage fragments in talc Montana .15 .45 .75 2.50
M-115.1 dolomite-ankerite - Large rhombohedral cleavage pieces Montana .20 .45 .75 3.00
M-116 dolomite - Massive, tan or grey, with some fossils Ohio .15 .45 .75 2.50
M-123 enstatite - Bronzite.  (Stillwater Complex) Montana .15 .45 .75 2.50
M-124 epidote - Small crystals in massive epidote Montana .15 .45 .75 2.50
M-125 epidote - Columnar crystal sprays NV,  MT .20 .50 .80
M-126 epidote - Small partial crystals CO,MT,NV .15
M-130 fluorite - Massive, various colors U.S. .15 .45 .75 3.00
M-132  fluorite - Cleavable, transparent, best quality U.S. .30 .75 1.75 l0.00
M-132.1 fluorite - Cleavage pieces   1/2 lb. bag  3.50 each       l lb. bag   7.00  each U.S.
M-133 fluorite - Radial Nevada .15 .45 .80 3.50
M-134 fluorite - Cleaved octahedrons   3/8"-1/2"  .45 each,   1/2"- l"  1.25 each,      l" -  l  1/2"  3.00 each U.S.
M-135 fluorite - Crystal masses, cubes, excellent Illinois 3.00 5.00
M-135.1 fluorite - Crystal masses, cubes, good Mexico 2.00 4.00
M-137 franklinite - Small grains in fluorescent calcite, willemite New Jersey .30 .75 1.50 6.50
M-138 galena - Massive MT, Idaho .25 .50 1.50 5.00
M-139 galena - Cleavable, best grade available U.S. .30 1.00 2.50 7.00
M-139.1 galena - Cubic cleavage fragments   1/8" - 5/8" pieces 1/2  lb. bag   2.50 each,   l  lb. bag  5.00 each

galena-Natural cubic crystals.  

Per specimen  3.00, 6.00, 9.00

M-141 garnet - Andradite, massive, skarn material Montana .15 .45 .75 2.50
M-144 garnet - Almandine.  Single partial crystals.                  1/8" - 1/4"   .25 each,        1/4" -1/2"  .50 each Alaska
M-144.1 garnet - Almandine.  Single almost complete crystals.     1/8" - 1/4"   .60 each,       1/4" - 1/2"    1.00 each Alaska
M-144.2 garnet - Almandine.  Good single crystals on schist matrix. Alaska 3.00 5.00
M-147 garnet - Grossular.  Single crystals and groups of crystals.     1/4" - 1/2"  .45 each Mexico
M-148 garnet - Grossular.  Orange, small partial crystals.         1/8" - 1/4"   1.00 each,     over  1/4"  2.00 each Quebec
M-150.1 garnet - Spessartine.  Excellent partial crystals in vugs in rhyolite.  Fair  1.50 each,    Good  2.50 each Nevada

garnet - Andradite. 

Very good small crystals. 1/16" - 1/4"  .35 

M-152.5 glauconite - Diagenetic grains in sandstone. MT, SD .30 .50 .80 3.00
M-153 glaucophane - Blue, schistose OR, CA .20 .50 .80 3.00
M-154 goethite - Radial, botryoidal in matrix MI, MT .20 .75 1.25 5.00
M-157.2 gold - Native.  Crystalline pieces.     6.50 each NM
M-159 graphite - Amorphous.  Pure. Mexico .15 .45 .75 2.50
M-161 gypsum - Alabaster.  Massive, pure, white to pink Utah .15 .45 .75 2.50
M-162 gypsum - Satin-spar.  Fibrous, in veins.  Pure. NV,AR,UT .15 .45 .75 3.00
M-163 gypsum - Selenite.  Cleavages Nevada .15 .45 .75 2.50

gypsum - Selenite "roses",  twinned nodules and clusters 1/2"  .25 each,     3/4"  .50 each,   

1"  .75 each,   over 1"    1.00 each

M-165.1 gypsum - Selenite.  Cyrstal groups with well developed crystals and crystal sections. 1"-3"    2.00 each,  3"-5"  5.00   over 5"    7.50 each Utah
M-166 gypsum - Rock.  Massive Nevada .15 .45 .75 2.50
M-167 hackmanite - Fluorescent, in syenite with possible sodalite Canada .25 .60 1.00 3.50
M-168 halite - Pure, cleavable, best available various .30 .65 1.10 6.00
M-168.1 halite - Cubic cleavage fragments,  1/8" - 5/8"               1/2 lb. bag  2.00,   1  lb. bag  4.00 various
M-169 halite - Massive, granular Utah .15 .45 .75 2.50
M-170 halite - Crystals, groups displaying hopper faces California l.50
M-172 hedenbergite - Massive to partially crystalline Montana .15 .45 .75 2.50
M-173 hematite - Red, massive Nevada .15 .45 .75 2.50
M-173.1 hematite - Red, oolitic New York .20 .50 1.00 4.50
M-174 hematite - Brown-black, massive, harder Montana .15 .45 .75 2.50
M-175 hematite - Specular, fine-gr. Montana .15 .45 .75 2.50
M-175.1 hematite - Specular.  Larger shiny grains - excellent Idaho .15 .45 .75 2.50
M-180 hemimorphite - Excellent crystal masses Mexico .30 .75 1.75
M-181 hornblende - Black, cleavable, best available Canada .15 .45 .80 4.50
M-185 ilmenite - Massive, with magnetite Wyoming .15 .45 .75 3.00
M-186.4 kalinite - An evaporite with an astringent taste Nevada .15 .45 .75 2.50
M-187 kaolinite - Pure, white, very soft                                  1/2  lb. bag  1.25,         1  lb. bag 2.50 California
M-188 kaolinite - Pure, white, harder MT, Idaho .15 .45 .75 2.50
M-188.1 kaolinite - Pure, white, best available Georgia .15 .45 .75 2.50
M-192 kyanite - Crystal  sections in quartz, best California .15 .45 .80 3.00
M-194 lepidolite - Lavender, massive SD .15 .45 .75 2.50
M-196 limonite - Almost pure Montana .15 .45 .75 2.50
M-201 magnesite - Pure, grey Nevada .15 .45 .75 2.50
M-201.1 magnesite - Pink veins in marble Washington .15 .45 .75 2.50
M-202 magnetite - Pure, massive Nevada .15 .45 .75 2.50
M-202.1 magnetite - Massive, almost pure Montana .15 .45 .75 2.50
M-203 magnetite - Lodestone Utah .30 .75 1.35 5.00
M-205.2 magnetite - Excellent single terminated crystals             1/4"-1/2"  1.50  each,      over  1/2"  3.00 each Brazil
M-206 magnetite - Black sand      per vial    1.25 each Montana
M-208 malachite - Veins and coating on rock Arizona .15 .45 .75 3.50
M-209 malachite - Pure, green botryoidal masses.  Best available Zaire .50 1.50
M-212 marcasite - Small crystal masses Indiana .35 .75 1.75
M-213.2 marcasite - Displaying radiating structure from nodules France .30 .75
M-216.1 mesolite - Radiating crystal groups in vugs in basalt with some chabazite Oregon 1.25 2.00
M-217 molybdenite - Small flakes in rock Montana .30 .60 1.00 3.50
M-219.1 molybdenite - Better hexagonal crystals in quartz.                  4.50 and 7.50  each Quebec
M-220 montmorillonite - Bentonite.  Massive, soft.                  1/2  lb. bag  1.25 each,    1  lb. bag   2.50  each MT, Utah
M-221 muscovite - Cleavage sections MT, SD .15 .30 .50 2.50
M-224 nepheline - Massive Canada .20 .45 .75 3.00
M-225 olivine - Green, massive, good quality OR, WA .15 .45 .75 2.75
M-225.1 olivine - Peridot nodules in basalt  3"x3"display piece 5.00  Arizona
M-226 olivine - Peridot, small tumbled pebbles                        1/4"  .15 each,         1/4"-1/2"  .25 each Arizona
M-227 opal - Wood replacement MT, OR .15 .45 .75 2.50
M-227.1 opal - Various colors as veins or nodules NV,MT,OR .20 .50 .80 3.00
M-231 phlogopite - Cleavage sections Norw.,Can. .15 .45 .75 3.00
M-233 plagioclase feldspar - Albite, pure, twinning visible Canada .25 .50 .90 4.00
M-233.1 plagioclase feldspar - Albite, pure, no visible twinning Canada .15 .45 .75 3.00
M-234 plagioclase feldspar - Anorthite, massive Wyoming .15 .45 .75 3.50
M-236.2 plagioclase feldspar - Labradorite, pure, massive-cleavable, exhibiting play of colors. Africa .50 1.25 2.25 l0.00
M-240 potassium feldspar - Microcline.  Pink, cleavage sections MT, SD .15 .45 .75 2.50
M-241 potassium feldspar - Microcline.  Grey, cleavage sections MT, SD .15 .45 .75 2.50
M-241.1 potassium feldspar - Microcline.  White, cleavage sections NC, SD .15 .45 .75 2.50
M-242.1 potassium feldspar - Orthoclase, moonstone               <1/2"  .25 each,      1/2"- 1"   .50 each   India
M-243 potassium feldspar - Orthoclase crystals.  Single crystals.   Montana .45
M-244.1 potassium feldspar - Orthoclase crystals.  Excellent single crystals.  3/4"- 1"   3.50 each,   1"-2"   6.00 each Colorado
M-244.2 potassim feldspar - Orthoclase crystals.  Excellent twinned crystals. Carlsbad twins.   3/4"-1"  3.50 each,    1"-2"   6.00  Colorado
M-248 prehnite - Green, botryoidal masses Africa .25 .50 1.00
M-249 psilomelane - Black, with seams and veins in matrix Butte, MT .15 .45 .75 2.50
M-250 psilomelane - Hollandite.  Needles on matrix Arizona .35 .75
M-250.1  psilomelane - Romanechite.  Black, banded, pure NM .25 .55 4.00
M-251 pyrite - Massive, mixed with quartz Montana .15 .45 .75 2.50
M-253 pyrite - Good massive to crystalline.  Pure Mexico .35 .65
M-254 pyrite - Small perfect pyritohedrons                              1/4"  .50 each,     1/4"-1/2"  1.25 each Spain
M-256 pyrite - Single perfect cubes. "A" quality                       1/2"-3/4"  5.00 each,      3/4"-1"  8.00 each Spain
M-256.1 pyrite - Single cubes "B" quality  1/8"-1/4"  .50 each,     3/8"-3/4" 3.00 each,     3/4"-1"   5.00 each Spain
M-256.6 pyrite -  Clusters of cubes or pyritohedrons  Mex., Peru .50 1.50
M-257.1 pyrite - "Dollars" about 1"-3" in diameter                       1"- 2 1/2"  4.50 each,    over 2 1/2"   7.50 each Illinois
M-259 pyrolusite - Radial masses and in veins Montana .15 .45 .75 2.50
M-259.2 pyromorphite - Small green crystals on matrix Idaho .30 .75 1.25
M-260 pyrophyllite - Radiating aggregates Nevada .20 .45 .90 3.50
M-261 pyrrhotite - Massive, in diopside Montana .l5 .45 .75 2.50
M-265 quartz - Amethyst.  Crystals.  Single or groups of  2-3 Brazil .50 1.50 2.50
M-266 quartz - Amethyst.  Crystalline plates.  Good color. Brazil 7.50
M-266.1 quartz - Amethyst.  Groups of crystals on matrix.  Better color Brazil 2.00
M-268.1 quartz - Massive, milky to partially clear.  "Bull quartz" Montana .l5 .45 .75 2.50
M-270 quartz - Massive, semi-transparent MT, SD .25 .60 1.25 5.00
M-271 quartz - Single doubly terminated "Herkimer" crystals     1/4" "A" grade 1.50 each,   1/2" - 1" "B" grade  3.00 each New York
M-274 quartz - Crystal groups.  Priced according to size, quality    1" x 1"  l.25 each,    2" x 2"  2.50 each MT, AR
M-275 quartz - Crystal.  Perfect:  single terminated crystals with six hexagonal prisms and six pyramid faces various .35 .75 2.00
M-275.05 quartz - Crystal.  Single terminated.                               Display size.  3"-5"  10.00 Brazil, AR
M-275.2 quartz - Crystal.  Irregular:  Single terminated crystals with some hexagonal prisms and fewer than six pyramid faces various .15 .45 .75
M-275.3 quartz - Crystal. Deformed:  Crystals with growing problems, distorted faces, curved crystals, penetration twins, etc. various .15 .45 .75
M-275.4 quartz - Crystal.  Deformed:  Clusters with at least one good crystal (good meaning some prism and six pyramid faces) various .30 .60 1.75
M-275.5 quartz - Crystal.  Deformed:  Clusters with no good crystals but with irregular or deformed crystals various .20 .30 .50
M-277 quartz - Doubly terminated crystals AR .75 l.50
M-281 quartz - Chalcedony and agate.  Various colors, may be banded U.S .15 .45 .75 2.50
M-282 quartz - Chalcedony.  Filling in geodes.  Fluoresces green. Nevada .15 .45 .75 2.50
M-282.5 quartz - Flint.  Dark grey to black Montana .15 .45 .75 2.50
M-283 quartz - Novaculite.  Grey to various colors Arkansas .15 .45 .75 2.75
M-283.1 quartz - Chert.  Pink to grey Montana .15 .45 .75 2.50
M-284 quartz - Sawed and polished nodule halves   2"-3"  5.00 ea Mex., Braz.
M-284.1 quartz - Geode.  Quartz crystal-lined halves                  l  1/2"  2.00 each,  2"  3.50 each Mexico
M-284.2 quartz - Geode. Sawed and polished matched halves (2 pcs.)   Brazil 2.50 4.50
M-284.3 quartz - "Potato" geodes.  Two matched halves.            l" -  l  1/2"  4.50 each pair India

quartz - Cut and polished agate slabs  1/2" - 3/4" thick slabs.  Very nice display pieces.  4"  7.50 each,     

5"  12.50 each

M-286 quartz - Jasper.  Red, brown, yellow masses MT, OR .15 .45 .75 2.50
M-287.1  quartz - Rose.  Pink color SD .20 .50 .80 3.00
M-288.1 quartz - Rutile crystals in a quartz crystal Brazil 2.50
M-289 quartz - Smoky.  Massive, broken crystal sections and pieces MT .15 .45 .75 2.50
M-290 quartz - Smoky.  Good color, fair crystals MT, CO 1.50 2.50
M-291 quartz - Smoky.  Good single crystals MT, CO 1.25 1.75
M-191.5 quartz - Smoky.  Singles and clusters of "phantoms"       1"  1.50 each,    1 1/2"  2.00 each,    2"  3.00 each Colorado
M-292 quartz -  "Tiger eye."  Small tumble-polished pebbles Africa .35
M-293 quartz - Tourmalated.  Inclusions of tourmaline in quartz MT, NV .25 .50 .75
M-294 rhodochrosite - Massive to crystalline Butte, MT .25 .60 1.00 4.00
M-297 rhodonite - Massive, with quartz and sulfides Butte, MT .20 .45 .75 2.00
M-298 rhodonite - Massive, with psilomelane, best grade Butte, MT .20 .45 .80 2.50
M-300 rutile - Massive, in augite Norway .30
M-300.2 rutile - Individual crystal sections  1/2"- 1"   2.00 each Brazil
M-301 scapolite - Almost pure masses and in skarn MT,SD,NJ .20 .45 .75 3.00
M-302 scheelite - Small fluorescent blebs and veilets in skarn Montana .l5 .45 .75 2.50
M-309 sillimanite - Veinlets with biotite, quartz and almandine garnet    in schist Montana .20 .45 .75 2.50
M-310 silver - Native, crystalline, dendritic, single crystals on matrix.  Excellent.   Mexico 6.00
M-312.5 silver - Native.  Single dendritic crystals 1/16"- 1/8" .l 5 each1/8"- 1/4"  .35 each,       1/4"- 1/2"   1.25 each    Australia
M-313 smithsonite - Pink, botryoidal coatings and massive Mexico .50
M-313.5 smithsonite - Pure, green, massive to botryoidal Mexico .50 1.00 2.00
M-315 sodalite - Small tumble-polished pebbles Brazil .25
M-316 sodalite - Blue masses in syenite Canada .25 .60 1.00 3.50
M-317 sphalerite - Cleavable, brown.  Best available Tennessee .50 l.25 2.50 l0.00
M-317.1 sphalerite - Brown, massive with some cleavage Tennessee .30 .85 1.75 7.50
M-318 sphalerite - Brown masses with other minerals Montana .30 .60 1.25 4.50
M-318.1 sphalerite - Black, massive to partially cleavable Canada .25 .50 1.00 5.00
M-322 sphene - (Titanite).  Light brown, partial crystals Montana .30
M-323.2 sphene - Massive, brown, admantine to resinous luster Canada .50 1.00
M-325 spodumene - Pure, cleavable SD .20 .45 .75 3.00
M-326 staurolite - Small untwinned crystal sections MT,Africa .25 .50
M-327 staurolite - Very good oblique cross-twinned crystals       1/2"-1"  1.75 each GA, Africa
M-330 stibnite - Crystalline, in veins.  Best available for price MT, NV .20 .45 1.25 3.00
M-331 stibnite - Large crystals and crystal sections.  Pure, excellent Idaho .50 1.00 1.50 6.00
M-332.1 stilbite - Crystal and crystal groups in vugs with possible other zeolites WA, OR 1.25 2.00
M-334 sulfide mixture - Typical sulfides:  galena, sphalerite, chalcopyrtie, pyrite and quartz Butte, MT .20 .45 .85 2.50
M-335 sulfur - Massive, almost pure.  Best available Nevada .15 .45 .85 3.50
M-336 sulfur - Massive to somewhat crystalline, second quality Nevada .15 .45 .75 2.75
M-340 talc - White to dark green, massive Montana .15 .45 .75 1.75
M-341 talc - White to pale pink.  Very soft-excellent China .20 .55 .85 2.50
M-341.05 talc - Pink to red, massive Montana .15 .45 .75 1.75
M-341.06 talc - Dendritic.  Dendrites in white talc Montana .20 .55 .85 2.50
M-343.1 topaz - Cleavage pieces S. America .35 .75
M-344 topaz - Small terminated crystals, clear to amber           1/8"-1/4"  .35 each,  1/4"-1/2"  .75 each Utah

topaz - Small partial single crystals   

1/l6"- 1/4"  .10 each

M-346 tourmaline - Schorl.  Black, crystal sections and fragments SD .15 .45 .75 2.50
M-347 tourmaline - Schorl.  Black, better crystal sections MT, Peru .35 .60
M-347.1 tourmaline - Schorl.  Crystal sections in quartz Montana .25 .50 .75
M-349 tourmaline - Green, gem variety, small crystal sections   1/4"-1/2"   .15 each Brazil
M-353.5 tremolite - Crystalline.  Fluoresces red-orange New York .25 .50 .80 3.50
M-355 turquoise - Small pieces, good color Arizona .50 1.25
M-356 ulexite - Fibrous, columnar California .20 .45 .75 3.00
M-357 ulexite - Optical properties (can read through it)            1/2"- 1"   1.00 each,        l" - l 1/2"   2.00 each California
M-359 vanadinite - Small good crystals on matrix Arizona .25 .50 1.00
M-362 vermiculite - Cleavage plates MT, Idaho .10 .25 .45 2.00
M-364 wavellite - Radial, green, in matrix Arkansas .20 .50 .75
M-365 willemite - Fluorescent, with calcite, franklinite New Jersey .35 .85 1.75
M-366 wollastonite - Pure, white radiating masses Nevada .20 .45 .75 2.50
M-369 wulfenite - Better quality crystals on matrix.  Showy Mexico 1.50 2.50
M-371 wulfenite - Average grade.  Crystals on matrix   AZ, Mexico .75 1.50
M-371.15 zincite - Red granules with franklinite, willemite, and calcite New Jersey .50 1.00 1.50
M-374 zircon - Single partial crystals   1/8"-1/4"   .20 each N. Carolina
M-374.1 zircon - Single terminated crystals     1/8"-1/4"   1.00 each N. Carolina




Number Rock Type                     Description   Locality  <1"  1" 1.5"   2" Pounds
R-1 andesite - Fine-grained (aphanitic) Oregon .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.50
R-2 andesite - Porphyry Oregon .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.50
R-2.05 andesite - Porphyry Montana .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.25
R-4 anorthosite - Grey.  Stillwater Complex Montana .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.25
R-5 aplite - Typical.  Boulder Batholith Montana .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.25
R-6 basalt - Olivine-bearing.  Black, slightly vesicular Idaho .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.25
R-7 basalt - Black, fine-grained  Montana .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.25
R-7.1 basalt - Black, fine-grained, aphanitic.  Columbia River Group Washington .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.50
R-8 basalt - Amygdaloidal Montana .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.25
R-9 basalt - Porphyry Oregon .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.50
R-10 basalt - Vesicular Idaho, OR .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.25
R-11.1 dacite - Porphyritic Oregon .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.50
R-13 diabase - Grey, Stillwater Complex Montana .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.25
R-14 diorite - Quartz diorite Michigan .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.25
R-14.1 diorite - Hornblende, biotite phenocrysts Washington .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.50
R-15 gabbro - Typical Washington .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.50
R-16 gabbro - Stillwater Complex Montana .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.25
R-17 granodiorite - Typical Montana .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.25
R-18 granite - Grey, fine-medium-grained Minnesota .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.25
R-19 granite - Red, coarse-grained Minnesota .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.25
R-20 granite - Graphic MT, SD .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.25
R-20.2 ignimbrite - Strongly welded, eutaxitic Oregon .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.50
R-21.1 latite - Quartz latite porphyry Idaho .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.50
R-22 monzonite - Quartz.  Fresh Montana .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.25
R-24 norite - Stillwater Complex Montana .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.25
R-25 pegmatite - Tourmaline, mica, feldspar SD .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.50
R-25.2 pegmatite - Typical mineral assemblage MT, SD .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.50
R-26 peridotite - Olivine-enstatite Oregon .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.50
R-27 perlite NV, OR .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.25
R-28.1 phonolite - Porphyry SD .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.50
R-29 pumice - Yellow-brown, stretched vesicles Oregon .15 .45 .75 1.30 3.00
R-30 obsidian - Black Oregon .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.50
R-31 obsidian - Red and black, flow structure Oregon .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.50
R-32 pyroxenite - Hartzburgite.  Stillwater Complex Montana .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.25
R-34 rhyolite - Flow structure (aphanitic) Montana .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.25
R-35 rhyolite - Porphyry Montana .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.25
R-38 scoria - Red, clinker Oregon .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.50
R-39.1 syenite - Grey.  Porphyritic Montana .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.25
R-40 syenite - Nepheline.  Medium-grained Canada .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.50
R-41 trachyte - Porphyry Wyoming .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.50
R-42 tuff - Poorly welded.  Crystal-ash tuff Montana .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.25
R-42.8 vitrophyre - Phenocrysts in grey, glassy groundmass Montana .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.25
R-43.1 volcanic ash - Lapilli-airfall.  Mt. Mazama.     vial  1.25 each Oregon
R-43.2 volcanic bomb - Bombs 3" - 8" in length    5.00,  10.00 each Oregon


Number Rock Type                           Description Locality  < 1"    1" 1 1/2"    2" Pounds
R-44.1 arkose - Medium-grained with pink feldspar grains and lithic fragments Montana .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.25
R-44.2 banded iron - Layers of hematite, magnetite and quartz Montana .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.25
R-46 breccia - Chert MT, Nevada .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.50
R-46.2 breccia - Limestone Nevada .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.50
R-46.4 breccia - Quartz.  White clasts in dark matrix Idaho .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.50
R-49 chalk - Massive, yellowish-white Kansas .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.50
R-50.1 chert - Pink to grey Montana .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.25
R-52 claystone - Various colors Utah, WA .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.25
R-53 conglomerate - Brown to grey with pebbles Montana .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.25
R-53.1 conglomerate - Pebbles of greenish quartz and white claystone.  Low-grade metamorphism Missouri .15 .45 .75    
R-54.1 conglomerate - Hematitic matrix, pebble to cobble Nevada     .75 1.30 2.50
R-56 coal - Anthracite Pennsylvania .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.50
R-57 coal - Bituminous Utah .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.25
R-58 diatomite - White, chalky Nevada .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.50
R-60 dolostone - Grey to brown, some fossils Ohio .15 .45 .75   2.25
R-61 greywacke - Grey, medium-grained Montana .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.25
R-61.1 laterite - Reddish, nickel-bearing soil                           1/2  lb. bag  1.25 each Oregon          
R-62 limestone - Red-grey, fine-grained, fossil algal mats South Dakota .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.50
R-63 limestone - Grey, fine-medium-grained Montana .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.25
R-64 limestone - Grey, medium-coarse-grained Montana .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.25
R-65 limestone - Fossiliferous Texas .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.50
R-65.1 limestone - Oolitic Missouri, UT .15 .45 .75 1.30  
R-66 mudstone - Grey to brown Montana .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.25
R-66.1 oolite - Hematitic New York .20 .50 1.00 1.30  
R-66.5 phosphorite - Massive to oolitic Montana .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.25
R-67 salt - Rock Utah .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.00
R-69 sandstone - Brown, medium-grained, lithic-arenite Montana .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.25
R-69.1 sandstone - Brown-black.  Bituminous, contains oil California .15 .45 .75 1.30  
R-70 sandstone - Grey, fine-grained, pure, quartz Montana .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.25
R-70.2 sandstone - Grey, calcareous, lithic. Fine-medium-gr. Montana .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.25
R-71 sandstone - Yellow to brown, orthoquartzite Montana .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.25
R-72 shale - Black, fissile Montana .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.50
R-75 shale - Oil MT, Wyoming .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.50
R-76 siltstone - Red, finely layered Nevada .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.50
R-78 travertine - Off-white to reddish-brown Montana .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.25
R-79 tufa - Silicified Nevada .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.50
R-80 wood-silicified - Agatized Western U.S. .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.25


Number Rock Type                       Description Locality  < 1"     1"  1 1/2"     2" Pound
R-82 amphibolite - Typical Montana .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.25
R-83 argillite - Belt Series Montana .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.25
R-83.2 blueschist - Actinolite, glaucophane, massive Oregon .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.50
R-84 eclogite - Ophiolitic, omphacite, garnet, pyrite California .20 .50      
R-86 gneiss - Biotite-hornblende, well banded Montana .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.25
R-87 gneiss - Garnet, banded Montana .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.25
R-88 greenstone - Meta-andesite Montana .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.25
R-88.1 hornblendite - Coarse-grained, granulite, pure Montana .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.25
R-89 hornfels - Black, spotted Montana .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.25
R-91 marble - White to grey, medium-grained Montana .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.25
R-91.05 marble - Pink to grey, medium-grained Georgia .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.50
R-91.1 marble - White to grey, coarse-grained, granoblastic Montana .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.25
R-92 mylonite - Protomylonite with residual clasts Montana .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.25
R-93 phyllite - Crenulated with relict bedding South Dakota .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.50
R-93.1 porcellanite - Burnt coal clinker, various colors Montana .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.25
R-94 quartzite - Green to brown Montana .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.25
R-95 quartzite - White to pink Montana .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.25
R-96 schist - Biotite and muscovite mica Montana .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.25
R-97.1 schist - Chlorite, fine-grained Montana .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.50
R-98 schist - Garnet.  Small perfect crystals in schist South Dakota .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.50
R-100 schist - Muscovite South Dakota .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.50
R-100.1 schist - Sillimanite-garnet Montana .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.50
R-102 skarn-tactite - Epidote with smoky quartz Montana .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.25
R-103 skarn-tactite - Garnet Montana .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.25
R-105 slate - Red New York .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.25
R-106 slate - Green New York .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.25
R-107 serpentinite - Green, massive with slickensides Oregon .15 .45 .75 1.30 2.50
R-108 soapstone - Mainly talc in dolomite or quartz Montana .15 .45 .75 1.30 1.75


Number Rock Type                     Description      Locality      1" 1 1/2"     2"  Pounds
ST-1 boxwork - Silica partitions coated with fuorite crystals Idaho .45 .75 1.30 2.50
ST-2 folds - In schist or gneiss.  Various types     7.50 each WA, Montana        
ST-3 ripple marks - On sandstone or argillite      7.50 each Montana        


Henbury, Northern Territory, Australia.  Nickel-iron meteorite.  Medium-octahedrite.  Fall occurred about 5,000 years ago.  Natural fragments, about 1/2" to 3/4", mounted in a plastic box with label. MET-l....................5.00  each

Odessa, Texas  U.S.A.  Nickel-iron meteorite.  Coarse-octahedrite.  Fall occurred about 50,000 years ago.                Tumble-polished fragments.                                                                                                                                                

 Less than 3/16", in bag with label.              MET-2................  .40 each,  (10 pieces for 3.50)                                          

3/l6" to 1/4", in plastic box with label          MET-3...............2.00 each                                                                              

1/4" to 3/8", in plastic box with label           MET-4...............3.00 each                                                                              

3/8" to 1/2", in plastic box with label           MET-5................4.50 each


Indochinite:  Kon-Kai District, Thailand.                                                                                                                         

Smaller complete or partial shapes    1/2" to 3/4"     TEK-2.......1.50 each                                                                     

Smaller partial shapes                               1/4"        TEK-3........ .50 each



All fossil kits contain natural specimens, not reproductions


INTRODUCTORY FOSSIL KIT:  Includes 16 numbered specimens of good quality, numbered, with a master key, 

and a plastic 5 power hand lens for examination of detail.  Designed to illustrate the main fossil groups at the grade 

school and high school level.  Fossil examples include:  foraminifera, bryozoan, coral, brachiopod, pelecypod, 

trilobite, crinoid stem, echinoid test, gastropod-snail, fish part, shark tooth, dinosaur bone, fern leaf, and petrified 


Packaged in a sturdy partitioned cardboard box with lid.             FK-l.....................14.00 each


ADVANCED FOSSIL KIT:  Includes 35 numbered specimens of better quality, a master key listing species, and 

a plastic 5 power hand lens for examination of detail.  Designed to show a greater diversity in the fossil groups for the 

advanced high school and college level.  Fossil examples include:  foraminifera, sponge, coral, bryozoan, brachiopod, 

trilobite, blastoid, crindoid stem, echinoid test, gastropod, gastropod cast, pelecypod, ammonite, graptolite, shark tooth, 

algae, dinosaur bone, fern leaf, tree leaf, petrified wood, fish, insect, mammal tooth, and coprolite.  

Packaged in a sturdy partitioned cardboard box with lid.            FK-2.......................35.00 each


ELEMENTARY LAB FOSSIL KIT:  Includes 8 numbered specimens of good quality.  Sturdy examples designed 

for initial student exposure to fossils.  Fossil examples include:  horn coral, brachiopod, crinoid stem, gastropod, 

pelecypod, shark tooth, dinosaur bone, and petrified wood.  

Packaged in a zip-lock bag with a key and magnifier.                 FK-3..........................5.00 each




All fossils are natural specimens, not reproductions


Middle Devonian, Widder Fm., Hamilton Group

Thedford, Ontario, Canada. Loose, complete, good preservation.

F-.05    Mucrospirifer sp.    3/4" - 1"......................................2.00 ea.


Middle Devonian, Silica Fm., Michigan.

Loose, complete, good preservation.

F-3     Paraspirifer bownockeri      1" - 1-1/2"...........................3.50 ea.

F-5     Pseudoatrypa devoniana        1" - 1-1/2"........................2.50 ea.

Ordivician, Kentucky. Loose, complete, good preservation.

F-6.3    Platystrophia sp.      3/4" - 1"........................................1.00 ea.



Lower Cretaceous, Del Rio Fm., Austin, Texas.

Loose, complete, good preservation.

F-9      Ilymatogyra arietina.     1/2" - 3/4".................................... .50 ea.

F-10    Ilymatogyra arietina.        3/4" - 1"...................................1.25 ea.

Oligocene, Yaquina Fm., Oregon.

Cast, loose. Marcia sp. 1-1/2" - 2-1/2"

F-16     Shell shape preserved, good hinge detail..........................1.25 ea.

Jurassic, Rierdon Limestone Fm., Montana.

Loose, complete, good preservation.

F-17.1      Gryphaea washitensis      1"..........................................1.50 ea.



Pennsylvanian, Kansas. Cast, loose, good form preservation.

F-18      Worthenia tabulata     1/4" - 1/2" ................................... .35 ea.

F-18.1    Worthenia tabulata      1/2" - 1" .................................... .75 ea.

Lower Cretaceous, Las Vigas Fm., Mexico.

Loose, complete, good preservation.

F-19.2      Anchura sp.     3/4"...................................................... 1.00 ea.



Middle Cambrian, Wheeler Fm., Utah

F-21      Elrathia kingi.    Loose, complete.      3/4" - 1" ................................. 6.50 ea.

F-22      Elrathia kingi.    Loose, complete.      Over 1"..................................10.00 ea.

F-24      Elrathia kingi.    Loose, lacking cheeks.      1" - 1-1/4"....................... 5.00 ea.

F-25      Elrathia kingi.    Single on matrix, lacking cheeks.     3/4" - 1"..............7.50 ea.

F-26.1    Elrathia kingi.    Single on matrix, complete.      1/2" - 3/4"................12.00 ea.

F-28       Perinopsis interstrictus.    Single on matrix, complete.      1/4" ............3.00 ea.




F-30        Pentremites sp.    Loose, well preserved, complete.................  3.00 ea.

Mississippian, Paint Creek Fm., Illinois.

F-31        Pentremites sp.       Single on matrix.......................................... 3.50 ea.



Mississippian, various species. Texas, Kentucky.

F-33       Loose, stem sections     1/8" - 1/4"  ...........................................  .25 ea.

F-33.05   Loose, stem sections     1/2" - 1"   .............................................. .75 ea.


ECHINOIDS: (Sea Urchin):

Lower Cretaceous, Clays Fm., Coryell Co., Texas.

Good detail, loose, complete.

F-34.1     Heteraster sp.          1"     .............................................................2.50 ea.


ECHINOIDS: (Sand dollar):

Miocene, Baja, Mexico.

Excellent detail and preservation. Complete, loose.

F-34.5      Mellitella sp.      3" - 3-1/2"  ..................................... 2.75 ea.


CORALS (Colony):

Middle Jurassic, Piper Fm., Montana.

Well preserved, loose, excellent detail.

F-35     Astrocoenia hyatti.      3/4" - 1" ....................................... 1.25 ea.



Upper Mississippian

Loose, well preserved..

F-35.05     Archimedes sp.      1/2" - 3/4" .......................................  .75 ea.


CORALS (Solitary):

Pennsylvanian, Graham Fm., Brown Co., Texas

Well preserved, loose, good detail, mostly complete.

F-37.2     Caninia forquia.      1" - 2" .................................................  .75 ea.


AMMONITES (Fossil squid):

Jurassic, Germany, etc.

Excellent pyritized, polished slices showing internal chamber structure.

F-41      Dactylioceras sp.      3/4" - 1"  .............................................   3.00 ea.

Upper Cretaceous, Pierre Fm., South Dakota.

Well preserved, loose straight shell sections. Pearly exterior or suture lines on most specimens.

F-43      Baculites sp.      1/2"  ............................................................... 1.00 ea.

F-44      Baculites sp.         1"   ............................................................... 2.00 ea.

Upper Cretaceous, Pierre Fm., Meade Co., South Dakota.

Excellent preservation. Complete, loose or minor matrix.

F-46     Hoploscaphites nodosus      3/4" - 1-1/4"   .................................. 7.50 ea.

Middle Jurassic, Volga River Valley, Russia.

Loose, complete casts with excellent detail.

F-46.2     Quenstedtoceras lamberti      3/4"  .............................................. 2.50 ea.

F-46.3     Quenstedtoceras lamberti      1" - 1-1/4"  ..................................  4.00 ea.



Upper Cretaceous, Navesink Fm., Marlboro, New Jersey.

Excellent preservation. Complete "cigar-shape."

F-46.5      Belemnitella americana      1" - 2"  ................................................ 1.50 ea.



Mesozoic, Western U.S., Canada.

Massive sections showing typical cell structure.

F-48      Dinosaur bone      1-1/2"   ...................................................................  .75 ea.

Upper Cretaceous, Provence, France.

Loose fragments, well preserved. Excellent detail.

In protective box with label.

F-48.1      Dinosaur eggshell      1/2" - 3/4"   ...................................................... 3.50 ea.



Oligocene, Brule Fm., South Dakota.

Very well preserved, good detail.

F-50    Mesohippus sp. (3-toed horse, less common).  Sections of jaw with two or more teeth.  1" - 2" ....... 10.00 ea.

F-51    Merycoidodon sp. (oreodont, common).  Sections of jaw with two or more teeth.   1" - 2" ................ 5.00 ea.

Pleistocene, Missouri River, South Dakota.

Well preserved, loose teeth.

F-51.1      Bison sp. (buffalo).      1" - 2"   ..............................3.50 ea.



Eocene, Green River Fm., Wyoming.

Complete, single on matrix. Good preservation.

F-56         Knightia eocaena, fair quality  ........................................... 7.50 ea.

F-57.1      Diplomystus sp., fair quality  ............................................. 7.50 ea.

F-57.2      Diplomystus sp., good quality  ..........................................15.00 ea.

Incomplete, poor-fair preservation.

F-61        Mixed sp. not identified.  ................................................... 1.75 ea.

Miocene, Round Mtn. Silt Fm., Kern Co., California

Shark teeth, incomplete, loose, good preservation.

F-62.1      Isurus sp.     1/2" - 1" ...................................................... .25 ea.

Shark teeth, complete on matrix. Excellent for display.

F-63.1      Isurus sp.     1" - 1-1/4"  .............................................. 10.00 ea.

Oligocene, Montana.

Small, complete fish scales in matrix

F-64      Teleostei sp. .................................................................... 1.00 ea.

Shark teeth, incomplete, loose, good.

F-64.05    Mixed sp. Morocco. ...................................................... .25 ea.

Miocene, Pungo River Fm., Beaufort Co., North Carolina

Shark teeth, complete, loose, excellent.

F-64.1    Hemipristis serra (snaggletooth shark)    3/4" - 1"  ........ 1.75 ea.

F-64.3    Carcharias taurus (sand shark)     1/3" - 1/2" ................ 1.00 ea.



Pleistocene, La Brea Fm., California.

Excellent detail, beetles, preserved in asphalt matrix.

F-67.05      Gyrinus sp. (beetle 1/3")   ............................................ 2.00 ea.



Eocene, Green River Fm., Utah.

Display plates with one or several well preserved tracks.

F-68      Bird tracks     ................................................................... 5.00 ea.


Miocene, Washington.

F-72.1      Coprolite (fossilized dung)     3/4" - 1-1/2"   ..................... 3.00 ea.



Precambrian, Biwabik Iron Fm., Minnesota. Good detail.

F-72.5      Algal stromatolite.      1-1/2" specimen.    ......................... 1.25 ea.

Lower Cretaceous, Glen Rose Fm., Comal Co., Texas.

Calcareous algae (preserved reproductive structure). Loose, complete, good preservation.

F-72.6      Porocystis globularis     *formerly classified as a sponge      1/2" - 3/4"   .....  .40 ea.



Pennsylvanian. Pennsylvania or France.

Well preserved, good detail.

F-73      Alethopteris sp.    1" - 2"   mostly complete fern      ................................... 2.50 ea.

F-74      Display plates with several ferns     ........................................................  10.00 ea.

Pennsylvanian, Towganoxie Sandstone, Stranger Fm., Kansas.

Well preserved fern impressions in sandstone.

F-75.1      Neuopteris sp.    1" - 2" partial     ..............................................................  1.50 ea.

Oligocene - Miocene, Montana

Impressions on siltstone of partial branches, showing oppositely attached needles.

F-76      Metasequoia occidentalis  (dawn redwood)      ................................................  5.00 ea.



We would like to thank all of our customers for orders received in the past.  Our pledge to you is better service and the lowest price possible on our products.  1999 is our 28th year in business.  

All prices are F.O.B. Butte, MT unless otherwise quoted.  In case of damage, please notify shipping agent immediately.  We reserve the right to make minor substitutions of comparable specimens and prices unless otherwise advised.  All specimens are broken by hand and some size variation can be expected.  For example, a 1" x 1" specimen may be 3/4" x 1 1/4".  Our excellent quality will still be our trademark.  Prices are subject to change without notice.  Box color is also subject to change.  

Small orders are usually shipped within two weeks after receipt of order.  Larger orders can take up to four to six weeks so please order accordingly.  Fall orders should be placed prior to July l5th for September delivery and winter orders should be placed by November 1st for January delivery.  Our buying trips include the time between January 25 and February 20,  so orders needed during that time should be placed by December 1.  


Before shipment can be made, we must have a hard copy of a purchase order from your school or bookstore.  Individuals must send a check or money order in advance or your order can be sent C.O.D.  School and bookstore orders will be billed after shipment and shipping cost will be added to the invoice.  There is no minimum order, however, we reserve the right to refuse certain orders.  


We can ship via U.S. Post Office however, transit time is about twice as long.  UPS or RPS is more expensive but more choices for faster delivery are available.  UPS and RPS have features such as ground service, ground tracking, 3-day select, and air service (2nd day air).  We will ship via UPS/RPS ground service unless otherwise specified.  Large, heavy orders will be shipped via motor freight.  


Much of our business is manufacturing special kits to the instructor's specifications.  Heavy duty zip-lock plastic bags may be used instead of partitioned cardboard boxes to keep cost down.  Information needed for quotation on custom built kits is as follows:

1.  Specimen size.

2.  Are specimens to be numbered?

3.  Zip-lock plastic bags or a partitioned box?

4.  Streak plate (1"x 1",  2"x 2"), glass scratch plate (2"x 2"), magnet, acid bottle, knife, or hand lens included?

5.  Identification key needed?

6.  Number of kits and delivery date.

We are always expanding our inventory and will buy rocks, minerals, and fossils in quantity.  Please contact us for pricing and want list. 

Many items offered by D.J. Minerals make great gifts.  Please order by November 15th to insure delivery for Christmas or 30 days for other occasions.




P.O. Box 761

Butte, MT     59703-0761

PHONE:  8:00 am - 5:30 pm (MOUNTAIN TIME)   (406) 782-7339

FAX:  (406) 494-2455


SHIP TO:  (Street Address) ORDER DATE:










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